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Live Webinar at 10am on Thursday 21st May with Matt King from SAFI Valves UK

Corporate culture, values and purpose are all key to a company’s success. When I was working with the team at Zoedale Ltd we spent a long time working on our culture by embedding a set of values. This hard work all paid off as the company transformed into one that was led by the staff and sales soared. The culture was very much built around a team that liked and respected each other. The atmosphere in the office was friendly and we often ran social events. Face to face communication was also vital in building this culture as we strived for openness and transparency.

As we know, times have changed and we may never really get back to the way things were. So how do you keep that all important culture going whilst working remotely or social distancing? I met Matt King at a conference a couple of years ago when I was presenting about corporate culture, and we’ve stayed in touch since. In this thought provoking webinar, Matt will talk us through the culture at SAFI Valves and how they keep it alive and thriving in these difficult times.

A recording will be available if you can’t make the live session so please register and it will be sent to you automatically. Thanks go to the British Valve and Actuator Association for sponsoring this event.



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