Join me and legendary Author, Speaker and Professional Relationships Strategist Andy Lopata at 2pm 18th June

Does or has your business relied on building relationships with people? Customers, prospects, suppliers, investors etc? I can’t think of any business that doesn’t involve relationship building and it is so true: People buy from people.

BUT. Now we are in a world where we can’t shake hands, can’t gauge how a conversation is going by looking at body language, can’t look someone in the eye when negotiating, can’t take our clients for a beer etc etc. I need not go on.

We have all adapted to Zoom meetings but I don’t think any of us thought it may actually be our future? What if there are never any trade shows again? What if ‘social distancing’ is here to stay? I love this quote from Charles Darwin “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change“. And if we want to survive, we are going to have to adapt.

I saw Andy Lopata speak on networking and relationship building a couple of years back and he was inspiring. I’m now delighted he’ll be joining us for this insightful Webinar full of practical tips we can all use.

It’s challenging to maintain professional relationships with people when you can’t see them in person. In addition, the way people engage and reach changes when anxiety levels have increased in other areas of their lives.
The period of Lockdown during this crisis shone a spotlight on the importance of professional relationships and human connection. Those relationships became more important than ever for so many people and yet, at the same time, much harder to maintain.
So how can we maintain and nurture those relationships during a Lockdown and what can we learn from the challenges of maintaining connections during Covid-19 that we can apply to our professional relationships as the world moves forward?

I do hope you can make it but if not, sign up anyway and a recording will be sent to you after the session.

I’m currently part way through Andy’s new book and finding it a fascinating and thought provoking read. If you’re interested, there is a link below.

Connected Leadership Book
Connected Leadership – How Professional Relationships Underpin Executive Success

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